Saturday, July 18, 2015

sixty_six_events @Mobius: "8:30-9:30pm" : Jane Wang

Thu Feb 18, 2010

psycho toys
photo: Bob Raymond

On Saturday, February 20th 2010, all the evidence from around the world which was gathered by Matthew Lee Knowles and Andy Ingamells will be shown from 2-4pm as part of the Field Recordings series at Five Years in London, U.K.

Links and various comments about the performances and evidence from the evening session of sixty_six_events @Mobius in Boston, MA, USA from 8:30pm until 9:30pm EST follows.

Participants for the evening session:
El Putnam
sara june
Max Lord
Bob Raymond

Photo album by Bob Raymond of sixty_six_events @Mobius

For the videos, I shot a total of two hours worth of footage using two ultra flip video cameras one of which was mounted (in a haphazard fashion) hanging from the ceiling. The second camera was faux HD format (the flip HD cameras are not considered true HD format) and travelled on tripod.

The lovely lamp featured in many of the videos was created by Bob Raymond.

The ubiquitous green clock was mounted precariously on a mic stand, using hemp string which in turn winds down to a ball of the rest of the string going basically nowhere..

#1. "Be full of something."
be full
Be full of something. - 3:48 mins sara june and El

#2. "Dismantle a toy and photograph it."
Dismantle toy
Dismantle a toy and photograph it. - 3:20 mins Everyone

aj: (This proved to be INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT! - wow those new toys are meant to last ain't they - their remains will probably be around long after we are merely gasps of dust in the air)
Shizu Homma: sara june, it looks like you are doing a FINE job with the bunny head!
David Miller: The slow motion stomps are my favorite part!

#3. "Give away a packaged condom."

give away condom
Give away a packaged condom. - 4:22 mins sara june, El, aj

#4. "Watch T.V. for exactly 3 minutes."

watch tv
Watch T.V. for exactly 3 minutes. 3:03 mins - sara june, El, Max
aj: (well, we forgot to set a stop watch so actually it was more like 4 minutes and it probably felt like 66 minutes to sara june, El and Max)

#5. "Episode."

Episode. (1) - 1:21 mins El, sara june

shot with the camera mounted from above.

Episode. (2) (HD) - 2.58 mins El, sara june

(this was an interesting event - i didn't even attempt it but sara june and El went at it full out - I'm still not sure I understood what El's episode was ... it will remain a mystery)
sara june: el's episode was more interesting than my psychotic episode. i think she is a little more subtle to her credit :)
aj: but i loved sticking yourself into the bottom of the TV and dragging yourself around: that was AWESOME!
Nathan: do you all ever rest?!

#6. "Cut yourself on the rings of Saturn."
cut yourself
Cut yourself on the rings of Saturn. - 3.29 mins El, sara june, aj, Max

Watch for Max Lord whirling like a dervish...

#7. "Make contact with aliens."
Make contact with aliens. - 2.51 mins El, sara june, aj

sara june: i was obviously trying to give birth to my aliens.

#8. "Tell someone insincerely that you love them."
Tell someone insincerely that you love them. - 2.23 mins El, sara june, aj

sara june: hey i really do love you jane.

#9. "Random simultaneous events."
Random simultaneous events. - 1.49 mins El, sara june, aj

Some nice comments from the participants re: video evidence:

Bob: Yow.  An incredible effort...  I really like the way you used time (speedup/slowdown) to vary and enhance the experience...

sara june: The videos are amazing jane. artistically cut and edited, interesting captioning. nice sense of interaction between the artists. i very much enjoyed watching them. what an exhaustive project!!! it's nice to know that some of these will be seen internationally. GREAT WORK.