Photo: Dennis Friedler
I'm reaching the end of my engagement with the performance text from Michel Serres, contributed by Sarah Bliss. This is the third and longest text to journey through transcription, reflection, separation and reconstitution into a completely new language, a changed physical state altogether. I'm accumulating precious balls of delicate yarn, offspring of these transformations. Their presence is taking on some new significance but I can't explain what exactly. For now, I keep them close to candlelight, imbued with heat, with warmth. I was filled with joy when I discovered a heart-shaped mirror in the space as I set up for performance. This one remindeded me of Vodou forms associated with Erzulie Freda and I decided to create a shrine with Bob's picture to align with the door.
Photo: Dennis Friedler
Dennis was actively photographing both inside and outside the space this evening. He captured an arresting reflection of Bob's shrine in the doorway, auspiciously merged with a viewer who spent several minutes actively observing my spinning, his hands gracefully clasped, his bearing regal.
Photo: Dennis Friedler
A similar mirroring of my scissors with this visitor made me glad I chose to wear them around my neck for the sake of practicality.
Photo: Dennis Friedler
Photo: Dennis Friedler
The spinning is incredibly seductive. The ballooning yarn buzzes like a life form as I lose myself in the forces of centripetal motion, my gaze fixed on the skin of this expanding volumetric space. Turning the wheel of the sidewinder, I think about souls of the dead in transit. What would it be to pass through this diaphanous container?
Photo: Dennis Friedler
I spent several hours in the space this night, well past 2:00 am as I endeavored to push through and complete the spinning of Serres' text. Deep fatigue took hold and I did not succeed, leaving the space with a significant length of 1/4" paper strip to carry through into Week Eleven. My perceived failure to complete the transformative work begged the question: What exactly was I attempting to finish?
Photo: Dennis Friedler
Passersby continue to give new dimension to my investigation.
Photo: Dennis Friedler
I was able to complete my separation of the Serres text; the last remaining strips from this sheet will journey through spinning at Week Eleven.
Entering a new performance text through transcription while simultaneously spinning what remains of Serres' THE FIVE SENSES is the direction I'm headed for my Eleventh Week. I envision the yarns assuming a pivotal place - the door perhaps? My thoughts return to the mirroring shrine emblazoned on the window of the door as it chose its partner in a moment of passage. These windows are monumental in my interior world. I'm thinking about ways I might use their full height more substantively.
Photo: Dennis Friedler
Appreciation and thanks to Anna Wexler for stopping by.
No contributions passed through the mail slot this Tenth Week.