Sat Feb 11, 2012
There were my mail slot contributions in response to the following prompt outside the space:
Wrapped Intention: First Week
In contemplation of unfinished work
I drew a monument carved in granite when my father died.
I saw drapery hewn in stone there,
that old cemetery graced by towering pines
and thought to stitch seeds of life in the dark.
Join me in remembering someone who has passed from this life.
Collect some seeds in his or her memory and place them in a small plastic bag.
If you would like to publicly remember this person, write his or her name on a slip of paper.
(You can include your name if you like, as the holder of that person’s memory.)
Add everything to the bag and drop it in the mail slot.
I will post your writing in my weekly blog at
If you collected seeds, I’ll sew them next Thursday.
This was left for me outside to find: