Wed Feb 24, 2010 Performance by Catherine Tutter (MAG) with participation from other MAG members and Drawing Marathon #4 participants
Performance Text: This durational work is powered by the
ongoing generation of personal thoughts, drawings, poetry, stories,
intentions, and prayers for Haitians suffering the catastrophic tragedy
of the January 12th earthquake. Please choose a paper square and use the
markers provided to record your intentions. Take as much time - and as
much paper - as you need. Upon completion, place your paper in the
basket. As intentions are generated, I seek the direction of the paper
grain; fold it in quarters; cut and separate the paper into a strip;
soak it in water; and spin it into yarn. I splice together strands to
connect multiple paper squares. When a critical supply of yarn has
accumulated on the spindle, I offer it to MAG members who will engage in
a knitting action. In this performance I think about the impact of the
disaster on individual Haitians and their families; the magnitude of
loss and suffering; the resilience of those who’ve survived. I consider
the transformational effect of this earthquake on Haiti and the world.