Sat Nov 14, 2009
Hi everybody, Vela called the other night to remind me to tell you
all what the hell I am doing...I wish I knew! I am kind of flying by the
seat of my pants here, and trying to fit it in where it fits on each
day. That being said, I think that I will be over there as follows:
Sat 14th 12ish until it looks like it is working
Sun 15th 12ish until it looks like it is working
Mon 16th 10-3ish then we will see what needs to be done (or all day depending)
Tues 17th 10-3ish then we will see what needs to be done (or all day depending)
Wed 18th 10-3ish then we will see what needs to be done (or all day depending)
Thur 19th 10-3ish then we will see what needs to be done (or all day depending)
Fri 20th all day
Sat 21st all day